Mail escrito por Danny para Mel. (escrito por alguien que no habla inglés)


Hello Mel, you bigger motherfucker. I am in Venezuela take in a vacation, and I make the business of my life.

The point is this, I come here and I feel great with the president, he is very funny no like the son of the bitch what governed our country (yes I know your Australian, but, lets be honest, you are more American that Ronald Mc Donald) with is serious face and prefabricated speaker, with his attitude absolute unspontaneous.

Hugo is so funny, he makes jokes all the time, say that George Bush is an alcoholic, ¿You imagine what happens is I say that in the Heart of Hollywood? I can’t say because I have to cares my status, but I come here and I sit in the chair of “Hello Mr. President” and I glad with his soberbious interpretation of Fidel Castro: is fantastic.

Well this mail is for announce what the great and extraordinary Hugo has decided financing my new “anti-imperialist” movie. Is a movie almost as good as “El Caracazo”, “Una abuela virgen”, “13 Segundos” and other shit financed by the cultural minister the great and amazing poet Francisco Sesto. Hugo going to give me 18 millions of dollars. OH YEAH.

Well I say hello to you and as you say:

Danny Glover.

Pd: By the way, my movie, with the exception of the reactionary and ultraright “Saw”, has been a fracases in the recaudation of dollars; for that I hope that we make “lethal Weapon 5,” I think we can’t convinces to Hugo that Lethal Weapon can’t be an anti-American movie.

John Manuel Silva.

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